Pakistan and Global Economy


  • Mr. Pawan Kumar Rathore Economic Research Scholar, Univesrsity of Sindh Jamshoro, Sindh Author
  • Dr. Maftoon Ahmed Mahesar E.V.C, Harvard University, U.S. A, C.V.C, M.Bin Rashid University, Dubai, D.H.N, Wagening University, Ireland, Member Lybrate Health India, Member Green Health U.S.A Author
  • Miss. Heena Rathore M.Phil, Chinese Linguistic Central Normal University, China Author


Pakistan and Global Economic status, Pakistan and Regional Economical Hindrances


The global economy is a complex and interconnected system that encompasses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services on a worldwide scale. The exchange of goods and services between countries allows for specialization, economies of scale, and access to diverse markets. The abstract delves into the role of trade agreements, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers in shaping global trade patterns.  It explores the impact of financial globalization and the challenges posed by financial crises, capital flows volatility, and regulatory frameworks on global financial stability. This short report provides an overview of the complex relationship between the global economy and Pakistan and highlights the diverse interactions that shape the country's economic landscape. As a participant in the global economic system, Pakistan is influenced by a variety of factors ranging from international trade dynamics to geopolitical events. The global economy plays a crucial role in shaping Pakistan's economic destiny, influencing important aspects such as trade, investment and economic policy. Pakistan has actively participated in global trade partnerships in recent years, contributing to its economic growth. However, it also faces challenges such as external debt, exchange rate fluctuations and vulnerability to global economic crises. Geopolitical considerations further underline the interdependence between the global economy and Pakistan. The country's strategic location, particularly in South Asia, makes it vulnerable to regional tensions and conflicts, impacting investor confidence and economic stability. Furthermore, global initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have created opportunities and challenges for Pakistan's economic development.

Additionally, there have been trans-formative changes in the global economic landscape, including technological advances, concerns about climate change and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors have important implications for Pakistan and require adaptive economic policies and sustainable development strategies. This summary is intended to provide a basis for understanding the complex relationships between the global economy and Pakistan. As the world evolves, policymakers, economists and stakeholders must navigate this interconnected landscape to strengthen economic resilience, promote sustainable development and address the challenges and opportunities presented by this dynamic relationship. In hands The economy of Pakistan is a multifaceted system characterized by unique challenges and opportunities. This detailed abstract explores various aspects of the Pakistan economy, including its sectors, policies, challenges, and prospects for sustainable development. The abstract delves into the structure of the Pakistan economy, highlighting its major sectors such as agriculture, industry, and services. It examines the contributions of these sectors to economic growth, employment generation, and revenue generation. The abstract also explores the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the informal sector in the economy, emphasizing their significance in employment creation and poverty reduction.

Government policies and reforms play a crucial role in shaping the Pakistan economy. The abstract analyzes key policy areas, including fiscal policies, monetary policies, and trade policies. It examines the challenges and opportunities associated with fiscal consolidation, revenue mobilization, public expenditure management, and debt sustainability. It also explores the role of monetary policies in controlling inflation, ensuring financial stability, and promoting trade.


